05 Jul

IP addresses are a basic component of Internet services that many often overlook in selecting an Internet service configuration, yet the difference between the two in terms of stability and security means that workflows and requirements ought to be scrutinized before coming to an informed decision on the choice of IP address that best suits business needs…

05 Jul

Everyone is hopping onto the Cloud bandwagon in a hurry – and for good reason, because Cloud computing is evolving every day and infiltrating various aspects of our lives. In business, speed is king, and in the rush to make decisions, they often neglect important factors in transitioning…

05 Jul

To keep up with the times, the art of reading books has had to evolve from the physical to the virtual – and that includes the accounting books.Before the as-a-service (-aaS) era, startups could not talk about expanding out without considering the CAPEX, which stands for capital expenditure. Some bootstrap startups also refer to it as “How on earth do you expect me to find that kind of cash lying around?”…


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